Monday, September 8, 2008


i filmed a wedding this weekend for a friend of a friend. after the ceremony, the bridal party went to downtown ashland for a photo shoot with the photographer. the location was in an alley where you drive to get to the parking for home hardware. again, i saw this harmonious clash between the grungy, man made structures and the very classy-looking bridal party. to see both together emphasizes the charactersitics of each. the bride and groom looked great when placed in front of an old concrete wall and buildings with chipping paint. these background structures, however, appeared to be even more run down than they actually were.


spoonful of sugar said...

it's amazing how OLD perfectly good things look when you put something bright & shiny in front and compare.

A Girl Can Always Dream said...

Hi Vern,

You should start posting some work in progress!
