Monday, February 9, 2009

in response to the prompt:

i would have to say that i create art mainly based on aesthetic quality rather than relevance to my life or "craft" (process). although the process can play a large role in some of my work, it definitely does not come before overall visual appearance. i have always struggled with the concept of content. different people have told me different things: "content can be as simple as the process" or "you need to figure out what this has to do with you as a person" well, for me it seems that my content is just supplying the viewer with aesthetically pleasing "content" within a piece of art. craftsmanship and "difficulty of creation" have different levels of significance for every person. and i also believe that content falls under this as well. so anyway. i guess people shouldnt argue about how work is made or for what purpose, and just keep doing what they're doing. as long as it makes them happy, then they are doing the right thing.

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