Friday, November 28, 2008

blogger is being extremely slow today. probably because everyone is blogging about how their thanksgiving was. anyway. i am really enjoying what i'm doing now for this class. and actually putting some work out in a decent amount of time. i'll be rushing to get it all finished by the end of the semester but it's going to be done for sure. i'll probably post some new imagery up tomorrow. i've been working on my fourth in this series today. i'll also post a proof of one of my images for printmaking later on. i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving! (see what i mean?)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

alright so the changes in this image are much more apparent than in the other one. the top section is now mostly desaturated but still has a little but of the red/orange in it. making anything in this image completely desaturated makes it have a blueish look and not gray. color theory stuff right there! anyway. i also changed the saturation of the lower semi-circle area to separate it from the rest. again, thank you very much for your feedback ashley. let me know what you think of the update. (i'm thinking it's finished)
ok, i made a few changes to this image. not anything drastic. i just adjusted the saturation a little bit in certain areas and messed with the contrast in some other areas. thanks for the input ashley. it's much appreciated!
here's another image i've been working on. for this one i used some left over plate residue as the texture. and then worked back into it with sketches, and color on photoshop. right now i've got the three primary colors going on with these pieces. i think i'll create 3 secondary color images to finish off the series. let me know what you think.

Monday, November 24, 2008

i'm currently scanning in some textures to draw back into. some textures are from the residue left on a piece of newsprint after rolling a plate through the press. others are from applying ground to a plate and from other processes for intaglio printing.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

yesterday i was working on an image for printmaking and it took me about 4 hours to draw the image and its only 3" x 4" roughly. i'll probably scan my plate in later so you can see what it looks like.
i cant wait for thanksgiving break. it will give me a lot of time to just focus on making art and finishing up before the end of the semester. waiting until the last minute to figure out what i was doing in this class was definitely not a good idea.

Friday, November 21, 2008

this is another image. based off of the same technique and process. also in its final stages. possibly finished.
this is the one i showed at the last critique. it's now in its final stages. feedback would be much appreciated.
ok, this is to give you an idea of what i'm doing in printmaking so you can see how my new computer art projects relate. i'll be posting some new projects later today.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

speaking of slacking, the only class im not slacking in at all is my spanish class. and i think that has to do with the fact that its a change of pace and something that is extremely straight forward and scheduled. i get my assignment list, and i do the assignments. it requires no creativity whatsoever. and also, its my favorite class right now because of that. im getting burned out on art. and i dont want that to happen. i really need to get my act together if i want to be successful.
it just hit me earlier today how many posts i am going to have to do to actually meet the minimum requirement. i'm going to have to post nearly 3 times per day to achieve that. insanity. slacking never pays off and ive been doing quite a bit of it lately in most of my classes. and i'm going to have no life other than working on art for the next 2 weeks. which is nothing but my own fault. it really sucks.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

also, now that i have made the decision to switch, i feel more motivated in general, and i feel as though i'm finally headed in the right direction. i'll be getting some of my prints scanned in so you can see them and understand how they relate to what i'm working on now for this class.
alright so ive decided to change my concentration from computer to printmaking. i feel like the work i do in that class is much more sophisticated than the work i do in here. not to say that i couldnt make it like my printmaking work, but theres just something about the process that just cant be duplicated in here. and im more motivated by that process. that's all there is to it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

so as you can all tell, i'm really not feeling this whole blogging thing. i've never really enjoyed sharing my thoughts about my artwork or my inspiration and this is definitely not something i want to do or even really care about doing. the only reason i am blogging now is because i need to get a decent grade for posting. i wish that this wasn't my only motivation, but right now, that's all i've got.

Monday, November 3, 2008