Friday, September 4, 2009

The current piece I'm working on is really getting me down (the one below). I am not a fan of it. I think it's time to return to the Compass-and-straightedge stuff I was doing at the end of last semester. So much for changing it up a bit with this. I think it's a little too separated from the other style to work out. Who knows, I might go back into it later on and spruce it up some. I don't know though, I'm just not that into it. Better to make up my mind early on though I guess. It was worth a shot!


Anonymous said...

i think its goo0d to go back to familiar things when you get in a rut...and...when you try to change up your style...its good to do it in steps...because if you just try to make a big jump then you'll get lost...which is what happened to me last i think this is a good idea!

A Girl Can Always Dream said...

Maybe you will find a way to combine the two?